Monday, January 25, 2021

What Kind of Medicine is That, Mama?

Back when we were going to church in-person, a little girl in the pew behind us on Sunday was (how do I say this nicely?) not a regular church-goer. 

She was fidgety.  She was bouncy.  She was bored.  She played video games with the volumn at a pretty high level.  She wanted to talk.  She wanted to drink from the water fountain.  She wanted to sing (while the preacher was preaching - come to think of it . . . ok, just kidding).

We were into a key part of the worship service when she asked a most important question. 

"What kind of medicine is that, Mama?"
It is as sweet and innocent a question during a time of devotion to God that I have heard.  It came not from her high energy level but from the genuine curiosity of a child.  A child experiencing something new.  Understanding that it is something special.  But not understanding. 

At our church, we have the Lord's Supper (communion) as a part of every Sunday worship service.  We believe that first, Jesus, and then the church that began after His resurrection, provided us with the best understanding that we can have for the elements of a worship service.

As a result, we actively look to the New Testament about worship. Among the most important items that we can identify is that of taking the Lord's Supper.  It is at the heart of our time together.

"While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, 'Take and eat:  this is my body.'
Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, 'Drink from it, all of you.  This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. . ..'  When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives."  - Matthew 26:27-30 (NIV)
In essence, what we see in the Lord's Supper is this: 
  • This is a direct command (do this) that Jesus conducted himself about worshipping together
  • It is not a "communal meal" an idea that the Apostle Paul disposes of in I Corinthians. It is a demonstration of our devotion to Jesus and obedience to him.
  • It is a uniting of Christians around the world in this one act.  Worshipping with Christians in many cultures, it is very comforting to realize that, regardless of worship style differences, this one act ties us together with one another, with the "original" church of the 1st century and directly with Jesus.
  • By "breaking" the bread as Jesus did and eating of it, it helps to symbolize our coming from one body - going into to all the parts of the body (or the members of each congregation).
  • The cup, now usually filled with grape juice in the United States, is the symbol, as Jesus himself said, of his blood that would be shed on the cross. 
  • Following this tradition - I am always touched by the juice which is, at the same time sweet and somewhat bitter.  Christ's death was horrific and bitter and we, as humans, are so sin-filled that only a sacrifice like his could allow us to enjoy a "new relationship with God."  The sweetness gives me renewed joy that His sacrifice gives me the hope of His promise of an eternal life in Heaven.
And so, as the tray, filled with little cups of grape juice passed down her row, she asked a genuine question with eternal meaning.  "What kind of medicine is that, Mama?"

How would you have answered the little girl in the pew behind me on Sunday?  She saw little cups, filled with a syrup-like drink.  Everyone was taking one of the little plastic cups and sipping from it - replacing it, empty, in the gold container. 

Is this a medicine that is sweet?  Do we, as Christians, live a life that demonstrates to people around us that being a Christian changes the way we do things in a positive way?  Are we actually living sacrifices to God?  Do we give those around us a sense of hope, honesty, love, compassion?

Or do we find the bitter?  Are we sullen in our Christianity?  Irritated that a young girl behind us in church is not acting like we want her to?  Do we hammer people over the head (incorrectly) assuming they will see the "error" of their ways and change - become what we want them to be so they fit our definition of Christian? 

My response to the family behind me Sunday was to say "hello."  Introduce myself.  Move on.  And I am ashamed.  I missed one of those "open doors" that God provides us everyday - if only we will walk through them.

As I thought about the little girl's question, frankly, I have been a little haunted.  I wish now I had mentioned her question to the family and asked if I could have a word with her about it. 

My answer should have been:

A long, long time ago, a baby named Jesus was born.  He was the son of God and He grew up to be a great man.  We call Him our Savior because He wants all of us to be able to live a good life and stay away from bad things.  A life like He did.  He wants us to love one another as much as He loved us.  When we drank the medicine, that you asked about, it was a way for us to remember that He wants us to be in Heaven with Him.  When you are baptized and become a Christian, just like Jesus did in the Bible, you will drink that same medicine - and it reminds us that we will never be really sick again.  Because Jesus loves us so much, He has already gone to Heaven - to make places for each one of us.  And we will be there with him.  One day.  That is medicine that helps make us better - forever.

That's my too wordy "should have answer."  What's yours?

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

A Prayer of the First Order


In previous posts, I have argued that words matter. Attitudes are important. Intent and action need to be in harmony. 

Today, we have inaugurated the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our Vice-President.

Over the years, I have often disagreed with (then) Senator/Vice-President Biden. In fact, many years ago, I wrote a number of blog posts about what I felt to be his shortcomings in the offices he held. I know I will disagree with him again. 

Today, that is in the past. Today, if my intentions, my words, my attitude and my actions are to be in harmony with each other then I must find myself doing nothing but encouraging President Biden to be the leader and President that we need. 

Indeed, I usually find myself going back to "foundational" thoughts of our nation as a means of refreshing my thinking, drawing closer to the original intent of those who envisioned a nation like the United States and to better understand how we have come to the point in history where we find ourselves. 

I have long been associated with a non-profit, Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, which focuses on civics education and the twin concepts of the Bill of Rights being balanced by a "Bill of Responsibilities."  This will take you there Bill of Responsibilities Link It is very near where George Washington and Continental Army encamped during the winter of 1777 - a point where the soldiers were ready to go home and leave the cause of fighting the British because of the deprivations they were experiencing. It is a story that needs to be told again and again because the soldiers had every right to leave and go home. They chose to stay. We have rights - we have choices within those rights - it is worth remembering that while we may have a right, we have the choice to enforce it or not. The Soldiers of Valley Forge chose not to enforce their right on behalf of future generations. Refresh yourself with a quick read of Valley Forge.

The sculpture, pictured above, of Washington at Prayer, is on the campus of FFVF - a beautiful place. The following prayer, written by General Washington, is a foundational reminder of how previous generations of leaders looked to God to in relation to our nation, to their role and to each other. We must never assume that America is a forever place, but, rather, that we might be a land which finds favor in the eyes of the Almighty because we try to put our intent into deed for the betterment of all. Do we fail? Absolutely. But it does not mean we stop trying to get our nation right. I believe Washington's Prayer is appropriate on days like this. I hope you agree. Amen.

"I now make it my earnest prayer, that God would have the United States in his holy protection, that he would incline the hearts of the Citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to Government, to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another, for their fellow citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the Field, and finally, that he would most graciously be pleased to dispose us all, to do Justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility and pacific temper of mind, which were the Characteristicks of the Devine Author of our blessed Religion, and without an humble imitation of whose example in these things, we can never hope to be a happy Nation.  Amen"

Prayer adapted from Washington’s Circular Letter to the States, which he wrote on June 8, 1783 as the commander in chief, at his headquarters in Newburgh, New York. This circular was directed to the governors and states of the new nation. His reference to them has been replaced by the words “the United States.” Otherwise, the words and the spellings are those of General George Washington of the Continental Army.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Pretending It Never Happened (We CAN'T Erase the Truth)


If you scroll down, just a little bit further, you will find pictures of John Wilguess as an 18 year-old, future President of the United States and world-expert of . . . everything. That photo was VERY in style in 1983 with my polyester blend blue suit AND vest. Oh yes, can't forget the overwhelming head of hair that went with it!  

My wife and kids recently saw it and . . . suggested many uses for it . . . not all of them as favorable as I would have hoped since, as an 18 year-old-expert-at-everything, I thought that this represented me and my future life very well. I remember searching through the backdrops available for Senior Class pictures and thinking, very clearly, "this is me."

And now its not. They have not aged as well as I have 😄. You be the judge when you scroll down.

I would argue that it is human nature that, throughout our lives, we try to minimize those things that we did/thought/said which might not age well, either. In fact, I would ask you to consider that everywhere around us are efforts to forget that something happened because now it is:

Funny to everyone but me

If we can pretend it didn't happen AND then erase any evidence that it actually did occur, even better! We are off the hook and never have to explain.

Which brings me to the picture above. There is quite the story going on now about the desire of many - including the director as well as the (no-longer) child star Macauley Culkin to digitally eliminate the short cameo appearance of Donald Trump in the old movie "Home Alone 2." Please stick with me a minute. This is most certainly not a "defend Donald Trump" post.  

This is a terrible, terrible idea. 

While today's dominant culture (DC)  labels Trump as many things, eliminating the collective memory of our society is a very dangerous act to undertake, even if it attempts to serve some self-righteous purpose. Yes, the Hollywood/media-types/liberals who despise Donald Trump, once he became a political figure - before that - LOVED him. 

While it fails to conform to the "new" truth of the DC it was THE truth, at one time. That reality must not be hidden or digitally altered to remove the truth. The natural next steps, if the "owners" of the movie insist on cutting him out now, is finding all of the existing copies/downloads and eliminating them so that nothing goes against the new reality. The echoes of past history should be setting off warning signs at the logical outcome of this purification.

The very idea should raise revulsion and fear in every one of us. The suggested actions are not funny, sarcastic or helpful. Mass media has, for good or ill, created a collective memory and that memory now includes, if you made it that far in the movie, Donald Trump, as himself, talking to Macaulay Culkin, playing a character named Kevin, in the Home Alone movie. By eliminating that scene, pretending it was not a part of the original creative process AND included in the final cut because there was a benefit of including Trump, the DC would force all of us to pretend we didn’t know it was there. In order to accept the new reality we would have to lie to ourselves about what we know occurred.

On a separate note, one of the most troubling aspects for free speech and intellectual integrity should be the almost total reliance on digital memory. When a book, movie, song has been created and committed to paper, film, record or disc, something permanent, we are able to check the original versus future versions. When all is digital and left to the whims of Dominant Culture and people like these who would so readily change the truth to hide reality, how much reality are we losing without any knowledge of it whatsoever? Now, back to our story.

This should be a red flag for everyone who believes free speech, freedom of expression and intellectual integrity are synonymous with our US values. But with Dominant Culture guardians, many of whom used to proclaim themselves strong free speech proponents, those values are being jettisoned in favor of political acceptance. 

Want to know how I can make such a statement?  This chart:

Contained in it are the political donations Trump made prior to becoming a candidate for President. Before 2011 or so, when he decided he was a Republican, Donald Trump made huge donations to Democrats. Especially to:
Andrew Cuomo for NY Attorney General and NY Governor
Hillary Clinton for US Senate and the Clinton Foundation 
He gave thousands and thousands more in support of Democrats than the GOP. That changed as he decided to run for President but it is true.

But once he moved into their line of work, he became the political equivalent of Satan to all those who adored, catered to, swooned after him for his money. The list, from Ballotpedia, notes that only a tiny fraction of donations were returned. How much power, money, influence came to those people who, less than a decade ago, thought of Donald Trump as “one of them” enough, so that they had no heartburn taking money from him to gain that power? Had their conscience been so pierced by his political positions of the day, why haven't they, even now, given back the money or resigned the position his influence gained them? Certainly in the Home Alone 2 movie, he was included for a certain effect that the director/producer wanted to achieve because of who he was. Now they would erase him for the tiny bit of notoriety it gains them.

Worse however, Dominant Culture insists that those who supported him most recently are in need of “reprogramming” according to multiple sources within the Democrat Party - even the just fired Chief Legal Counsel for PBS was recorded saying this. When Trump was seen as a liberal he was part of the culture enough to put him in movies as himself, fete him at Democrat events, adore him on Oprah and hide his “dirty secret videos” with Billy Bush. 

But when he went to the other side, all that changed. In fairness, his positions may have changed dramatically during this transformation from one party to the other - but IF you eliminate the history, no one will ever know how that came to be. 

Now he, and those who supported him on policy issues (more than 70 million Americans) must be eliminated. First, for fun by digitally altering Trump from a movie and then by marginalizing and blacklisting anyone who has been associated with the GOP. Just do a quick search of calls to never hire anyone who had anything to do with Trump. It makes the McCarthy-era hunt for Communists look positively quaint.

That’s not funny. It’s not cute. It’s not American. Yet, that is where some in the DC (and I worry it’s a growing number) who feel free, after assuring they are in the electoral majority, would steer us. 

Leave history alone. Explain it, put it in context, reinterpret - but don’t alter reality. That’s a line we should never cross. 

BTW - 
I promised - here’s the infamous, now unwanted reality from my Senior Class pictures. Stillwater High School, 1983. Priceless.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

When "Victory" Seeds Defeat

Every generation seems to believe history starts and ends with it. This mindset has rapidly grown into the concept that history is unimportant. That, somehow, everything we are seeing/experiencing/enduring is the first/most/worst ever. 

My friends, that's just wrong. 

First, just from a Biblical perspective in Ecclesiastes 1:8-11 we are reminded from centuries ago:
All things are wearisome,
    more than one can say.
The eye never has enough of seeing,
    nor the ear its fill of hearing.

What has been will be again,
    what has been done will be done again;
    there is nothing new under the sun.
Is there anything of which one can say,
    “Look! This is something new”?
It was here already, long ago;
    it was here before our time.
No one remembers the former generations,
    and even those yet to come
will not be remembered
    by those who follow them.

No doubt, our times are tough. But if we spend any time considering history - far distant and more recent - we would hear the echoes of those events and see the patterns of them in our current day. One big thought that keeps running through my mind is of those times when "victors" actually sow the seeds of future defeat, and worse, by their unwise actions.

Historians largely agree that much of the post-Civil War failures of Reconstruction were based in the extremely harsh measures many in the North (and especially the strongest abolitionists in the Republican Party) wanted to exact against the South in order to have the retribution they justly felt should be paid. The political failures continued into an IMPEACHMENT (!) of Andrew Johnson, who became President following the assassination of President Lincoln. Johnson was a southerner and wanted to lessen the blows to "his people." The results were Jim Crow Laws, deeper segregation, failed healing of the divisions and a continuing de facto enslavement that continued for how long? Until today in some ways?  While the North "won" the war, they failed to win the desired outcome in peace. The statues that have been torn down in recent months throughout the South were pieces of the effort to bring peace. While it may have helped assuage some Southerners that they may have lost but they weren't "losers," there remained, generationally, a resentment between the North and South that continues today.

Likewise, the seeds of World War II, according to most historians, were planted in the Treaty of Versailles - which was the document sealing the "victory" of the Big Four: United States, Great Britain, France and Italy) against the defeated Germans and the Central Powers. Millions of soldiers and millions more civilians were killed in WWI - and let us not forget that the PANDEMIC (!) of Spanish Flu began near the end of the war which killed another 17,000,000 - 100,000,000 people. This was a time which shook the souls of those who lived through it. The War - now it is almost humorous that it was called "The War to End All Wars" - was so devastating because of the advances in technology, driven by both governments and private industry, were the most destructive known to man at the time. The Treaty, by forcing Germany to give up land, people and a sense of "who they were" and to pay financial reparations to the nations afflicted by the Central Powers, made the "victors" feel as though they had taught the aggressors a lesson.  In the end, though, who or what was won by that War? The League of Nations (which not even the United States would ultimately support) grew from it and that brought an eventual United Nations. By overplaying their hand, by forcing tremendous pain (aside from what would have been unimaginable pain from war and pandemic) on the Germans, the Germans suffered in such a way that they were ready for a savior to bring them back to their entitled state - which led to Hitler - which led to history repeating itself - with led to another World War within 20 years of the one which should have stopped them all. 

So, now, you ask - "Wilguess, why is there a photo of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi balanced with one of the recent attack at the US Capital?"

Great question, glad you asked.  Today is January 14, 2021. The night of President Trump's State of the Union Address was February 5, 2020. Almost exactly a year ago, Speaker Pelosi made the hearts of many liberals and most Democrats swoon as she used her status, her platform and the setting to "win" against the evil Donald Trump by famously ripping up his speech behind him as he finished talking. Now, that act likely made many of her supporters and Trump detractors gleeful! I recall many news stories portraying her actions as a strong pushback against his "lies."  Speaker Pelosi "won" the night!

Did she?  Is she winning now?

The failure of current political leaders to work out their differences in some operational manner has been as destructive as the examples above. The Speaker used her power to belittle and attempt the humiliate the President and by extension the millions of Americans who would ultimately support him for re-election. When there is a failure in leadership - a vacuum of responsible actions - a nation comes unglued. So, the Speaker has won a narrow victory to remain in the majority - the narrowest in decades - and yet specifically calls out those in the GOP, in an August 2020 speech as "enemies of the State." She has, in just the past few days, brought about IMPEACHMENT charges, again, in a setting that will never see the process complete - theater for her adoring fans - burning resentment for those who hear her words, see her actions and recognize that they are "the enemy" she despises.

DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND - In no way was what happened at the US Capital last week justified by the Speaker, the President or any other person. There was no place for that in our nation. It was a horror! I remain angry, sad, revulsed that the building symbolizing our nation came under attack. 

Nancy Pelosi, in her quest for power, however, needs to find a way forward that brings out, as Abraham Lincoln once said, "the better angels of our nature." She, as Speaker of the House, has a special responsibility to more than just her constituents, her Democrat members and her donors. As 3rd in line to the Presidency, the Speaker should be one who is laser focused on bringing Congress together, to build consensus and to assure continuity. Yet, she is one of the most divisive, power-driven Speakers in living memory. 

We in Oklahoma were fortunate to have a man named Carl Albert who represented our state in Congress. He ultimately became the 46th Speaker of the House of Representatives and presided during another "unprecedented" time - when he legitimately could have become President. The Republican Vice-President Spiro Agnew was forced to resign for corruption. Richard Nixon was about to be IMPEACHED (!). Many around him argued that "the Little Giant from Little Dixie" should push the impeachment, force Nixon out and become the President. While he was willing to take the role if it fell to him, Albert believed the need for consensus and continuity was more important than turning the Presidency over "to the Party opposite." There were even secret plans which suggest he might resign as Speaker so that a Republican might become Speaker in order to assume the Presidency. His view was that patriotism and faithfulness to the institutions were ultimately more important than party power. Thus, Gerald Ford, a GOP Member of Speaker Albert's Congress was nominated and approved to become Vice-President and then President. 

President Ford, ultimately pardoned former President Nixon (an act of political courage which likely cost him the 1976 election). Ford famously said "Our long national nightmare is over." The calls to punish, create enemies, crush the opposition, destroy, build power - all ignored by two members of the House - the Democrat Speaker who refused power and the never-elected President who knew when it was time to heal instead of appeal to the base instincts of those who want to take "a pound of flesh."

America and our political institutions recovered from the damage of Watergate and the horrors of Vietnam, political assassinations and domestic terrorism BECAUSE there were politcal leaders who stopped the finger pointing, the name-calling, the enemy-making to save the soul of the nation. Can Nancy Pelosi take that role or has she sold her political soul to the drive for power that benefits one party, one mindset, one thought and not the nation as a whole?

Her actions in the coming months will have much to do with her legacy of helping rebuild our nation or continuing down a path of self destruction.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Tears Keep Flowing

The picture above is not some some new version of COVID-19. It is not life from a far off planet.

It's a tear.

 According to the photographer, it's a tear that was derived from an emotional (sadness) response.

We’ve cried lots of tears (especially in the past weeks).  I've caused many more tears to be shed.  But I've never seen any depiction that showed what makes up our tears.  It's beautiful and captivating.

Frankly, from a faith-based view, I see crosses. The pain that we have, and release, through tears are filled with the symbol of the pain of Jesus and His sacrifice for us.

In the last year, we have literally seen lives destroyed, turned upside down by something that we cannot see, touch or smell (and to try and be humorous - you can tell if you have because you can't smell or taste!). We have shut down our world, for the most part, to help slow the spread of a disease that, until sometime late last year, did not exist. 

We have seen violence and fear erupt across a spectrum of politics and faith - from those who would claim to be Christians. But, even if a person is not one of faith of any kind, the political violence we have seen this year is a sign of abject failure.

Failure by political leaders - to find a way to bridge differences and embrace and build consensus among those who are NOT extremists.

Failure by media interests - to find a way to tell the truths about the world around us, especially when the truth can be ascertained but it requires checking political allegiances.

Failure by medical experts - to find a way to provide honest, consistent guidance on getting through the pandemic. We have all joked about the inconsistency of mandates from masks (first thought was they were not necessary - and then insisting they should be mandatory. Remember how much time we all spent wiping groceries, in the garage, in our underwear (maybe just me?) after our hurried, desperate visit to the grocery store? Which turned out to be of no help. All of that led many to hold onto views that became outdated as reality changed. But by issuing "science-based" information that was . . . wrong . . . EVERYTHING they said became suspect to some. 

Failure by us.

We are in a mode that has us pointing fingers at everyone but failing to look in the mirror and assess our personal role in the disasters we see in our world today - specifically the disaster that is the United States today.

We have bought into conspiracy theories and rushed to whisper (or post on some platform) that "X" is going to happen and only we know about it because of the friend of a neighbor's sister's brother-in-law who personally mentioned it  . . . somewhere.  We have been (wrongly and destructively) convinced that our neighbor, friend, classmate, family member is "our enemy."

Sadly, the social media platforms only drive the wedge deeper and are bringing us closer to a sense of fear of each other than our nation has seen in almost a century.

One of the most destructive phrases of 2020 and probably 2021 is "unfriend" because of what someone thinks, says, offers, mentions, likes, dislikes, refuses to share or shares too much. 

I'm going to suggest that much of the divisive nature we are seeing now is built from our own ego. Instead of trying to understand the thoughts, values, words, (yes, fears), of those we have known for decades, we close them out. We call them names that make us feel superior. We dismiss their pain and fear so easily by making them “less than.” 

Instead of cancelling people - and let's be honest, that IS what has been happening to drive us away from a united nation - might I suggest we consider the tears above? We need to be shedding tears for the damage done for generations by ignorance or willing neglect of the available truths. We should be weeping for the lives that have been damaged/lost/forgotten by the power of our ego and our lack of grace and compassion for other people.

I attended a presentation by Dr. John Perkins ( a minister and Civil Rights leader a few years ago. His comments that day are pointing at us today - and should make each of us self-examine in a time when we need to beg forgiveness of each other:

Bigotry and violence is an example of us failing to act with love but instead try to assume we ARE God. This superiority takes love out of Scripture and inserts our own greed and desire.

By providing care are we fulfilling Jesus' teaching - in the beginning of his ministry - love the poor. We should see ourselves as working with God in our services.

To work WITH God should be enough pride. To be a workman- a trophy of God - should be enough joy. Do we see that?

The joy comes out of pain. 
To be engaged with the pain of others moves us to change. 
Jesus came to remove pain. 
His joy is to join with us.

To be called to be engaged with the One who called for there to be light has shined that light into our heart! We are adequate to do the work God has assigned to us.

We have the tools. We have the responsibility. We have the ability. God has placed the opportunity in our hands. Now what do we do with it?

So, do we unfriend, buy into the evil belief that some are unredeemable, ignore, marginalize, damage friends, family, co-workers?

Me? My faith is guiding me to expand my reach. To find more people, to shed more tears for the damage inflicted for which I have not stepped up to make better. 

And to find a way to do, and be, better than I see when I look in the mirror.